Make Your Voice Heard for the Best Pregnancy Decisions

Make sure your voice is heard when deciding about your unexpected pregnancy.To make the best, most satisfying decisions about your unexpected pregnancy, you deserve to have your voice heard.

As the one who is pregnant, you need time and space to carefully develop and clearly express your views in order to make your choices. Strangely enough, many women in your shoes face this critical decision while feeling unimportant, overlooked, and unheard. Don’t let that happen to you.

The Most Important Voice: Yours

Several people may try to weigh in on your pregnancy decision. Some do so because they love you and want the best for you. Others may be more concerned about seeing things turn out in a way that pleases them, without regard to you.

Yes, you care about being kind to others with whom you have key relationships, like your partner, your parents, and anyone else who will be impacted by your decision. But you are the one who is pregnant. So right now the most important voice is yours.

At Choices Pregnancy Center, you will never be rushed or pressured into making a decision you aren’t happy with. Instead, you will have a relaxed, safe environment to talk things through, ask all your questions, and explore all your options. You will have freedom to discuss your current situation and evaluate all the resources available to help you move forward. Equipped with all that insight, you will feel empowered to make a more confident pregnancy decision.

And all because you were heard. But sometimes, being heard isn’t so easy…

Privacy to Express Yourself

Now, this is a sensitive question. Do you feel unable to express yourself freely in the presence of someone with whom you have a relationship? Then talk to us about how you can meet with one of our advocates in a place you can go unaccompanied. We take steps to provide a confidential setting in our offices, but we have also met with women at their schools, McDonald’s, and other places that worked better for them.

We’re flexible for you. At this important, life-changing time, you deserve one-on-one, confidential assistance that allows you to be true to you.

However, we understand that in certain circumstances, being true to yourself may feel extra risky…

Speaking up When You Feel Threatened

If your pregnancy has put you at risk of being kicked out of your home or physically abused, you can turn to us for help. We will listen to your story and support you in connecting with some of the community services we trust to help you achieve a safer, more secure situation.

From there, you will be better able to decide calmly about the best course of action in this pregnancy. The decision you make then will truly be your own.

Women equipped with truth about their unexpected pregnancies are better prepared to make wise decisions.

Speak Truth to Yourself Too

Sometimes the storm of feelings around an unexpected pregnancy can drive women to stay silent about their situations. Silencing their voices means they miss out on the benefits of talking things over with people they can trust.

Rather than suppressing your thoughts and feelings, come talk with one of our compassionate, caring advocates. Don’t let things like shame, fear, or anger propel you on a course that won’t take you where you really want to go. Speak up, let it out, be honest—all in a safe place.

Truth is a powerful tool for guiding wise decisions.


Make Choices Pregnancy Center your go-to support team
as you decide what you really want for this pregnancy.

You can gain the confidence to speak up and let your voice be heard.

Text or call us today.