Pregnant At the Crossroads: What Difference Will Your Choice Make?

When you come to an important crossroads like pregnancy, your next decision will set the course of your life to come.At this important intersection, which way will you turn?

Once you make that turn, where will that lead you?

Will you find yourself on a one-way street, with no way to turn back?

Or will you find yourself heading for all the things that matter most to you?

If you can't see around the corner, how will you decide?

What You Need for The Road Ahead

For any major life-changing decision, you need:

  • All the facts about all your options
  • Resources to equip you for the journey you choose
  • Courage to make the right choice, especially when it seems hard
  • Supporters who will be there for you while you follow where your choice leads

Without these pieces in place, you are at risk for making a poor choice—or making a wise one you can’t follow through to its finish line.

When an unplanned pregnancy has brought you to a crossroads, you need all these things. And you need time and a place to make your decision in peace.

In a moment, we'll tell you the stories of three women at the same crossroads, and about the difference made by their choices.

Choices for Pregnancy

A woman who didn’t plan to be pregnant is faced with three options. Two preserve her baby’s life; one ends it.

  • If she carries her baby to birth, she can either be her baby’s parent, or she can make an adoption plan and choose her baby’s parents.
  • The other option, of course, is to abort the baby.

All three options set the woman’s course for the rest of her life. They also set the course of her baby’s life.

Did you know most abortions happen to women who don't want them?

Choices Pregnancy Center serves women with unplanned pregnancies in and around Redwood Falls and Marshall, Minnesota. We’re here because we know women deserve:

  • Complete information about parenting, adoption, and abortion
  • Practical supplies and ongoing education for the journey they choose
  • Coaching that builds their confidence in their ability to make wise choices
  • Supporters who are as close as a text or a call while they navigate the life course they choose

Here’s what making choices looked like for three of the women we know.

Three Women Who Had to Choose

Alana* fled an abusive relationship with only the clothes on her back—and a baby growing in her womb. She had no job, no home, no goal but survival. She certainly couldn’t have a baby—or so it seemed. But then she came to Choices Pregnancy Center. Through the connections we helped her make in our community, and the free supplies and education we gave her, she found the hope she needed. Alana went on to bear and raise her child after all.

Thanks to Choices Pregnancy Center, Alana discovered the hope she needed to choose life.

Beth* didn’t plan to get pregnant. When her mom found out about the pregnancy, she made an appointment for Beth to get an abortion. The problem was, that wasn’t what Beth wanted—for herself or her baby. Fortunately, Beth had a friend who called Choices Pregnancy Center to ask what legal rights a pregnant minor has. We provided Beth with the legal documents that allowed her to stand up for her own wishes regarding her pregnancy.

Thanks to Choices Pregnancy Center, Beth found out she was free to choose a future for her baby and herself—no matter what others pressured her to do.

Grace* and her husband were both out of work. When Grace found out she was pregnant, they couldn’t imagine how they could raise a child. As far as she could see, there was only one option: the one she didn’t want. In other words, Grace felt she didn’t really have a choice at all. Grace’s husband took her to get an abortion. Grace has never forgotten.

There was no Choices Pregnancy Center where Grace lived. Grace never found out she had other options . . . until it was too late.

* All names above have been changed for confidentiality.

When You Have to Choose

If you are facing similar choices about a challenging pregnancy situation, please reach out to us for the help you need.

We know your choices are difficult. We won't pressure you to make one choice over another.

We will simply sit with you and lay all your possibilities on the table, answering your questions with facts and compassion.

Call or text us today to get the help you want.

Give Women Access to All Their Choices

You can help make sure women continue to have real choices during unplanned pregnancies. Keep the good work going in Redwood Falls and Marshall, Minnesota, by supporting Choices Pregnancy Center with your time, your finances, and your prayers.

And if you don’t live near us, find a pregnancy resource center in your area to support.

Don’t let women’s choices disappear.

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