Pregnant? Yes There is Hope for You

Despite your obstacles, there is hope.Hope is like a beckoning light on a dark day—it’s what gives us to courage to keep pushing forward against life’s obstacles.

But sometimes obstacles—like an unexpected pregnancy—loom so large that they block the light of hope. We grow fearful and discouraged, and we stop pursuing our dreams. We give up. Even though hope is still out there, we sink so low we can’t see it.

At times like those we need help to see beyond the obstacles and restore our vision of hope. Because, as this writer put it, “Even a glimmer of hope that our situation will turn around can keep us going.”

If this pregnancy threatens to stop you dead in your tracks, don’t give up. Leave room for hope to shine through.

Others before you have started out feeling hopeless. But with help, they discovered the hope they needed. They learned to confront the enemies of their hope, and pushed on past them to create the life they wanted.

Will their solutions work for you?

Confront and Defeat the Enemies of Hope

By identifying hope’s enemies, we are better positioned to defeat them. Here are some common foes:

A history of hopelessness.

Some of us were never encouraged to be hopeful as children. We were left to assume things would never work out no matter what we did.

  • How to defeat this enemy: Never say “never.” Replace thoughts like “things never work out” with “This time things could change. Because this time I am doing something different.” Practice this new mindset over and over: you’re forming a new habit, and habits take time to develop.


When we have experienced mistreatment and abuse, it’s easy to start believing that we deserve nothing better. We feel we have no control over our circumstances. So why try if there’s no hope of changing things, right?

  • How to defeat this enemy: Do what you can. “Overcoming the inertia of helplessness can help you build hope,” says this writer. While you can’t control everything about life, you can always control something. Choose to do what you can do and watch how hope revives.

Lots of loss.

When our connections to people we care about are damaged—as sometimes happens in an unexpected pregnancy—we can experience crippling grief. We lose hope when those we wanted to walk beside us disappear.

  • How to defeat this enemy: Reach outside yourself. There’s no shame in asking for help. And there are many caring people who would be happy to walk with you in this situation. Connect with some of them. Soon you’ll form new, satisfying relationships, and life will be a much more hopeful place.

Ignorance of the possibilities.

We can easily believe that there’s no hope when we can’t see all the choices open to us.

  • How to defeat this enemy: Explore your options. What resources are out there for you? Who can help at a time like this? What choices are available and how will they affect your future? Who else has faced this situation and found a hope-filled solution? Be open to learn more.

"Recognize the possibilities offered by the present moment and embrace them with courage, faith, and hope." -Thomas MertonAre any of these enemies challenging you? If you’re like most people we’ve met, facing those enemies and beginning to deal with them is a sure path to finding hope.

How Choices Pregnancy Center Gives Hope

An unexpected pregnancy can be painful on many levels. And pain that's hard to escape can cause fear and hopelessness. Then a woman may end up settling for the first “quick fix” she comes across.

But at Choices Pregnancy Center, we have seen unexpected pregnancies turn into very hopeful situations. That’s one reason we offer:

  • Compassionate, confidential, nonjudgmental listening. People say they feel comfortable with us. Many of our clients become our friends.
  • Information about all your possibilities. You’ll be able to carefully look at the whole array of available options as well as all the community resources at your disposal.
  • No pressure to make a particular choice. Nothing you choose can make us stop caring about you—before, during, or after your pregnancy. Since we don’t make money off your choices, you’re free to make your own decisions. And we'll stay right here for you.
  • Life coaching. With a trained Life Coach mentoring you through this pregnancy and beyond, you’ll develop practical ways to achieve the kind of life you’re hoping for.

As a faith-based team, each one of us at Choices firmly believes there is hope for you. That’s why we’re here for you. Because there’s always hope.


When you’re ready to find hope in a challenging pregnancy situation,
you’re ready to have Choices Pregnancy Center on your side.

Call or text us and find hope today.