Will Adoption Be a Chapter in Your Pregnancy Story?

Have you considered writing adoption into your unexpected pregnancy story?People like stories that sound real. Stories where good things are mixed in with the bad things. We especially like stories that start out risky or dark and end up in a happy, surprising place. These feel like stories that matter.

That’s why it matters what you write into your story of unexpected pregnancy. Because you are the one living the story. You have this one lifetime to respond to your circumstances in ways that turn bad into good, and difficult into victorious.

There are a lot of ways your story can go. You have options to choose from. Which one will you write into your story?

During November, National Adoption Month, we’re making sure no one forgets the value of their adoption option. Many people still misunderstand the modern process or never truly explore whether or not they could carry it out themselves. We don’t want you to miss what could be the best option for you.

How do we know it can be a good choice? Because all around us are ordinary people living out stories shaped by adoption. Right here in our own community.

Stories We’ve Heard

Just recently, we got to chat with several of the vendors, shoppers, and musicians who came to our Holiday Shopping Open House. These were all local people, people just like you and me. And yet, they were all strolling around with their own stories, still being written.

Here are just a few stories we heard…

At one booth we met a busy woman tending to a cute little child. As we talked, the woman showed us photos of that child and some siblings in Halloween costumes. It turns out she is a mother-to-be who had been celebrating with the children she and her husband are in the process of adopting.

Another family, once shattered by the death of the father, began re-building when a loving man married the widowed mother. More children were born to them. And then, because they knew more children needed a family, they adopted two more children.

Then there was the family that almost wasn’t.

Among the volunteers playing Christmas carols in the background at our event were several children from the same family. We learned that those children, and all their smiles and their music, almost didn’t exist. This is because their mother was almost an abortion statistic. But at the last minute, her birth mother changed her mind. She gave her daughter life and a family through adoption. That daughter lived to raise a family. That family gave us music.

These are just a sampling of stories from people in our own community. How many more are out there?

What Will Your Story Be?

Every day you meet people living amazing stories—though you may never hear the details. Every day someone writes a new chapter into their life. Will it be happy? Sad? Hopeful?

Now you get to write your own story. If parenting a child yourself is out of the question, we hope you will give some serious thought to writing adoption into your story.

The following half-hour video, I Lived on Parker Avenue, is the true story of one young man’s adoption experience.

See if it changes the way you view adoption and the adoption stories you pass on the street each day.


If you want a safe place to discuss all your options for an unexpected pregnancy, call or text us today. We never push anyone to make a choice they don’t want. We are simply here to help women and men in our community create life stories they are proud of.


Related articles:

Single Parenting and You: Do You Have What it Takes?

Adoption: Could it Be Best for Your Child?

Adoption: You Need to Know it’s Not Just Giving Up